Continuing Education for Ministers--The Mechanics of Preaching

I am presently in the midst of doing a series of blogs that is encouraging the continuing education aspect of the minister.  This next resource is one that I have immensely benefited from.  I am not sure how I found it but the content is actually a seminary level class that on the mechanics of preaching.  It has almost 15 hours of classroom instruction by Steven Lawson.  I can vouch for the content as I have worked through more than half of the lectures and used them as if I were in the classroom.  There are aspects of homiletics with an emphasis on expository preaching in these lectures.  Lawson also gives several examples of how to work through a passage and then shows the actual sermon notes he used to preach from.   

The first video is at this link:  Mechanics of Preaching--Lecture 1

Also there are some helpful books on expository preaching to be used in conjunction with the videos.  I have written about these books in the past.  There are multiple posts dealing with the books, so you may use the search box in the upper right corner if you are interested in reading them.


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