The Power of Discipline

Nothing can push a man to heights like a commitment to discipline. It shapes his hours, his thoughts, and the very direction of his soul. There are absolutely no obstacles that can withstand the assault of a disciplined life. History is filled with men and women who had lesser gifts and talents but through their commitment to discipline they climbed far beyond those who had great gifts. Don’t lament what you don’t have outwardly but see what is budding inside of your soul that can have a harvest if it finds a blessed discipline. I believe wealth, talents, personal gifts, and even good looks have ruined more than a few who thought they could get by on them without any effort at harnessing their whims, moods, and habits. Discipline will help you to push beyond the certain coming calamities of life that will do their best to take us by the throat and choke out our faith and our hope. O God, I don’t won’t talent but grant me by Your grace that he...