"Fake News" & "Fake Theology" Part 3

In this last post on the matter of “fake news” and its comparison to “fake theology” ( Part 1 , Part 2 ), I would like for us to consider what impact that “fake theology” ultimately has on a church. When Murray takes an interlude in one of his chapters about truth, he wrote that truth has a tendency to create trouble. The trouble the comes with biblical truth is that it demands something of every person—a demand to yield desires and their desired identity to what God is calling for. In fact, John captured the words of Jesus when he said, “everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice” (John 18:37). “Fake theology” will never make such a vigilant, sobering call because it CAN’T!!!! “Fake theology” is literally the opposite of what God has spoken and even demanded of this fallen world of mankind. The curse of sin is death and yet “fake theology” wouldn’t dare to tell anyone that even if they were to ask the question as to what the penalty o...