Top Ten Books of 2013--# 8--Light and Heat: The Puritan View of the Pulpit - R. Bruce Bickel

We are marching on with the Top Ten Books that I read in 2013. The next several books that I will review all had a tendency to be lumped together. The reality is that all of them could have been ranked anywhere from 4 th -10 th and I have chosen to put this one in the eighth place. I purchased this book when I went into “enemy” territory in the fall of 2012. I attended a workshop on expository preaching that was a two-day event. In fact, two of the primary speakers at the recent conference that took aim at the Pentecostal/Charismatic were at this one I attended last fall. As for the recent conference that put their sights on us, my personal thoughts is that a very broad bush was used to characterize what I would refer to as classical Pentecostals which is the category that I would fall into. Some of the things that they dealt with I have never been in a place where such practices took place and my exposure to them has primarily been media re...