When Light Bearers Get Weary

A recent post by a pastor on an internet f orum to which I belong struck me directly in the heart. There are certain occupatio nal hazards involve d with all professions but there are none that can rival that of being involved in a ctive mini stry. The man who is really involved in ministry will find himself havin g to see both sides of people. He will see the g enuine and authentic and at the same time will se e the shams and charlatans. A t times trying to factor in t he kaleidosc ope of feelings can create much heaviness of heart. Period ically, the y wh o bear the ligh t find the light sometimes gets a little heavy. Those in ministry too often find their steps are more stumbling and heavy than they are purposed and planned. There are some very distinct reasons for that. I believe that first and foremost is the unrelenting spiritual battle that is being fought out in p laces that we cannot see. Sometime s I think I could fight better if I could see w...