Preaching and The Conscience

I am preaching a series of messages through the life of Peter at the moment and it has been a blessing to me to dig into the early stages of his interaction with our Lord. In the second message, I preached about the Lord changing the name of Peter and spent some time preaching about the necessity of the conscience being struck with the Word of God. A quote that I wove into the message was from a book that Tony Mansinho sent to me a few weeks ago. It is the biography of Master Robert Bruce—Minister in the Kirk of Edinburgh by D. C. Macnicol. Bruce was one of the Scottish Puritans and despite some of their flaws, I have been incredibly blessed for close to thirty years by digging into their writings. Some time was spent by Macnicol exploring the matter of the conscience of Bruce being smitten by God and the Holy Scriptures. Here is the quote that I used: