
Showing posts from 2017

Book Recommendation - Text Driven Preaching: God's Word at the Heart of Every Sermon - Daniel L. Akin et al

I have long grown accustomed to the understanding that very few people really understand what is involved in truly good preaching.   Not motivational, encouraging, self-help ā€˜grab yourself by the bootstrapsā€™ and just do it preaching but heart-felt, Scripturally-driven, Holy-Spirit anointed preaching.   It is this kind of preaching that not only will the preacher know that he has been on fire for God but the hearers of that message will realize that it is far more than just a time block that has been filled with religious routine.   But the challenge from getting to from a simple biblical text to that point of powerfully speaking for God has a lot of hindrances, snares, and traps that every preacher will at some point find in his sermon preparation.   Because I have now been preaching for almost thirty years, I find one of those ways that I can improve is to read books about preaching.  

Book Recommendation--How to Understand and Apply the New Testament (Twelve Steps from Exegesis to Theology) by Andrew Naselli

I am always in the hunt for books that will help me to become a better expositor.   The longer that I preach the more convinced that I become that the best method for preaching is simple verse by verse preaching.   The matter of going through the Bible and allowing the power of Godā€™s Word to speak for itself.   It requires discipline, attention, and time but the dividends that are repaid to the preacher cannot even be added up in this life.   However, to be an effective expositor especially if you do not have a seminary training in original languages will necessitate ways that will help you to overcome this.   I am one of those preachers who did not have a real deep exposure to original Greek in fact I only had one year of it and no Hebrew at all.   Admittedly there are times that I sorely wish that I would have had the necessary training in the original languages.   That is why good books (tools) are so crucial for our preparation to preach.  ...

Thoughts on Brooks' Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices--Part 1

My appreciation for the Puritans seems to grow every year.  A couple of things moved me toward my interaction with the Puritans; one was a person and the other was book.  The person was a retired pastor, Ernie Jolley, and the other was a book that he gave to me.  It was written by Ralph Turnbull, The Ministerā€™s Opportunities , which had a chapter about the priority of study and another on the ministerā€™s library.  In those chapters, Turnbull really stressed finding out who the Puritans were and to begin to read after them.  I took Brother Jolleyā€™s advice and started reading his recommendation of William Gurnallā€™s massive work, The Christian in Complete Armor , and I took a chance at what Ralph Turnbull recommended with Thomas Brooksā€™ Precious Remedies Against Satanā€™s Devices . 

A Morning in Thomasville with Ben Weeks

Recently I have spent a bit of time revisiting the Pilgrimā€™s Progress by John Bunyan.   One of the things that Bunyan seems to stress during the story is the need for friendship and fellowship along the way to the Celestial City.   Two of the more constant companions that Christian kept with him were two men, Faithful and Hopeful.   The way is difficult but through the avenue of friendship, Christian and his companions find the way to be much easier.   For more than ten years, I have been friends with Ben Weeks , pastor of Truth Harbor in Lake Park , Georgia which is just outside of Valdosta, Georgia.   He is a Christian gentleman of the finest sort and he has a renowned preaching ministry that has been widely received in all sorts of national and international venuesā€”conferences, camp meetings, marriage retreats, and pastoral anniversaries.   For the last decade we have met at various times in Thomasville, Georgia, which is about half-way between Dothan...

Characters from Pilrim's Progress -- Great Heart

Over the last several posts, I have tried to analyze some of the characters of Pilgrimā€™s Progress that was written by John Bunyan in 1678.  We have visited with Ignorance , Evangelist , Mr. Worldly Wiseman , Valiant for Truth , and Mr. Fearing .  These travelers will be ones that we meet along the way in our trek toward the Celestial City.  Bunyanā€™s observations of people in the 17 th century still hold true for much of what we see in our times as well.  You can see for yourself that these people along the way very much fit into the category of Ella Wheeler Wilcoxā€™s poem about being a lifter or a leaner.  A lifter is someone who makes deposits of encouragement and hope into your life.  A leaner is one who great withdrawals and they will do so until you are literally sapped of emotional and spiritual strength.  Great Heart falls into the category of a man who was not just a lifter, he was a very heavy lifter.  He fills the role of a pastor wh...

Characters from Pilgrim's Progress -- Mr. Fearing

To revisit Pilgrimā€™sProgress over the last couple of weeks has been a wonderful experience.  In one of the previous posts, I mentioned that I had originally been introduced to this fine book by Pastor John Harrell in Bridge City, Texas.  For years in Bridge City, the church has been shepherded by Brother Harrellā€™s preaching and praying and woven all through those years were numerous illustrations that he would pull from this book and masterfully use them in his sermons.  If you have never read Pilgrimā€™s Progress , my question is this:  What doth hinder thee?  Perhaps that is a humorous way to express it but in all seriousness, the book opens up the mind an awareness that human behavior is no different in the 1600ā€™s than it is in 2017. 

Characters from Pilgrim's Progress -- Valiant for Truth

There are aspects of John Bunyanā€™s famous allegory Pilgrimā€™s Progress that have more details as you read on through the second portion of it concerning Christianā€™s wife and children who flee from the City of Destruction.  As their story unfolds, we read about some events that Christian went through but is not as detailed in the first half of the story as he is relating a first person account.  The story told by one of those characters in the second half is who I want us to visit with now.  The character is Valiant for Truth.  What a powerful name that Bunyan picks out for this young man, this young soldier, this young minister.  Bunyan is playing off Jeremiah 9:3 where the weeping prophet notes that there are some who arenā€™t valiant for the truth.  One of the chief characteristics of John Bunyan is pointed out by Charles Spurgeon and it is observed very clearly in this segment of the allegory.  Spurgeon noted that in reading all of Bunyanā€™s works an...

Characters from Pilgrim's Progress -- Mr. Worldly Wiseman

John Bunyanā€™s famous allegory Pilgrimā€™s Progress is filled with men and women who happened along the path of Christian as he has started his journey toward the Celestial City.  We have spent a little time with Ignorance who wanted to talk Christian into trying to make the journey on his own works.  Evangelist is another character who was very instrumental in the conversion and later the discipleship of Christian.  He is representative of a faithful godly pastor who spends time and effort working with the travelers as they labor through the journey.  We now come to another impediment, another character, who will serve as an agent of Satan to hinder the pilgrimā€™s progress.  Mr. Worldly Wiseman is a convoluted but very brilliant soul.  His brilliance rivals that of Ignorance who was just as polished and shameful except Mr. Worldly Wiseman is an older gentleman who has been around the world for a while and knows the general thoughts and doubts of the trave...

Characters from Pilgrim's Progress -- Evangelist

Returning to John Bunyanā€™s Pilgrimā€™s Progress , I want to look at another one of his characters.  This book over the years has been one I return to regularly and read various scenes from because even though it was written in 1678 still has a profound grip on presenting human behavior in an incredible way.  It was recommended to me by Brother Harrell in Bridge City a number of years ago.  It is rare to dig into this allegory about a man on a path toward the Celestial City and not come away with some spiritual benefit. The next character to assess is a man named Evangelist.  This character shows us the impact that a godly pastor/preacher/teacher can have on one traveling the Christian path.  It is compelling how that Bunyan begins the book by telling us that it is a story of a man who is walking through the wilderness of this world.  If ever there were a phrase that could sum up what we are doing as we walk out the Christian life, it would certainly ha...

Characters from Pilgrim's Progress -- Ignorance

It has been a long while since I have written anything about John Bunyanā€™s Pilgrimā€™s Progress .  I can still remember 15 years ago, or more that Brother John Harrell, long-time pastor of Bridge City UPC, recommended that I read dig into that allegory.  He told me that it was loaded with sermon thoughts and illustrations and profitable spiritual motivation.  I have written in the past about Brother Harrell and the uniqueness by which he would weave the Pilgrimā€™s Progress into his sermons.  As I started reading Bunyan, it led me to another allegory he wrote, The Holy War , which had some excellent contributions to make as well about convictional preaching.  I have explored some themes from that book as well in the past on this blog ( Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part4 , Part 5 ).         I would be remiss a well if I didnā€™t mention Paula Thompson , aka The Tape Lady, who worked for years as the one who put together the casset...

Top Ten Books of 2016 -- #8 -- The Looming Tower--Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11

November 13, 2015 around dusk here in Dothan, I had just gotten in my car around 6 PM for a drive of a little over an hour to a sectional rally when the top of the hour newscast began describing the terrorist attacks in Paris.  These attacks fell into a different category because they had been coordinated to hit several different places in Paris at the same time.  Only 10 months earlier in January, terrorists had attacked Charlie Hebdo and two days later a Jewish grocery store had been attacked as well all leaving a small number of casualties but not a large amount of injuries.  On the way home from the sectional rally, the talk radio outlets, which I hadnā€™t listened to for several years lured me back in, because they were blazing with opinions and reports.  I cannot remember where or how I ran across a New York Times journalist but Rukmini Callimachi entered my world that evening

Top Ten Books of 2016 -- #9 From Here to Maturity--Overcoming the Juvenilization of American Christianity--Thomas E. Bergler

In the ninth spot for the best books that I read in 2016 is a follow-up book to Thomas Berglerā€™s TheJuvenilization of American Christianity .  This book, From Here to Maturity--Overcoming the Juvenilization of American Christianity , was written in 2014 after the initial volume was written in 2012 dealing with the immaturity of American churches.  Bergler noted that he wrote the second book as a response to the heavy load of correspondence that he received from his readers.  They understood what he was stating but they wanted to know what the remedy was to move Christians toward a higher level of spiritual maturity.  Chapter 1 is sort of rehash of the first book so that if you have not read the first one, Bergler does his best to give you the first book in a capsule form in 25 pages.  While this book is not written to apostolic Pentecostals, I do very strongly feel that there are some components that need to be taken with the seriousness of which Bergler writ...

Top Ten Books of 2016 -- #10 The Juvenilization of Christianity--Thomas E. Bergler

Reading has long been a vice of mine although it is one of those necessary vices that is important.  I looked at the books that I read this past year and found that my reading preferences have changed significantly in the last several years and that will be reflected in the books that I will countdown this month.  The book slotting in at number ten is by Thomas E. Bergler.  He is an associate professor of ministry and missions at a university in Indiana.  I heard the title of this book mentioned by a preacher whose podcast I frequently listen to and purchased it.  This book, The Juvenilizationof American Christianity , is not just a book that deals with religious issues and practice but it deals with sociological issues that are facing the church as well.  He also deals with the history of youth movements both political and religious in a way that teaches through an observation of history.  While Bergler is not Pentecostal in his moorings, he ...