The Need for Pastor Theologians

There is something that takes place when you began to move beyond that middle point of life. You tend to look back in retrospect at time and opportunity that was squandered. You look forward with much more concern about the great values and virtues of a spiritual life than what was in those early years of youthful inexperience. Age uniquely brings a sobriety, a seriousness, a focus, and at times even a sense of grimness to the mind. This is especially true for a Christian pastor, or in my thoughts, it should be. One of those areas of my own personal calling and ministry that I am looking back to are the countless times that I said, “I am an assistant pastor, preacher, minister not a theologian.” Increasingly as my preaching style has drastically changed from my earlier years from topical preaching to much more expository preaching, I have been greatly convicted by the Spirit of God and my interaction with the Word of God that pastors need to be