A Needed Reformation in Pentecostal Preaching

There is a quiet buzzing that is beginning to rise from the grassroots among Pentecostal preachers. Increasingly I am hearing a faint drum beating that is somewhat like music to my ears. I am listening to remarks about Pentecostal preaching and its need of reformation at all levels; local, district, and national. Our preaching has somewhat degenerated into cheerleading sessions that tout the accomplishments of the preacher or a local church or parachurch organization. Our preaching has deteriorated into messages that take grand liberties with the text that the preacher may have read and wrested it from its true biblical context. When we take liberties with the biblical text and take it out of context, we have basically said that what we have to say is more important than what God has to say by His Word. It is my belief that out of context preaching is a very shrewd form of idolatry. Furthermore,