July With the Puritans--George Swinnock--Part 2

This is the second outing that we are going to spend with George Swinnock whom was introduced in the previous post . One of the chief ways of gaining insight into the Puritans is the need to read their sermons but even more so than that is to think and meditate on what they have written. Early on you will discover that there were some matters that set the writings of the Puritans apart. I intend on showing you some of the chief themes and characteristics about their preaching. First, they were very concerned about the state of their conscience. Secondly, they were very focused in on the brevity of life. Thirdly, they used some of the most masterful word pictures in their preaching. I have gathered most of the material I will write today from Volume 1 of George Swinnock’s work (pp. 1-26). The State of the Conscience The condition of the human heart is sinful and has great proclivities toward sin. This is the ...