July with the Puritans--George Swinnock--Part 1

It seems like forever ago that I spent a month blogging about some of the Puritans. Back in March 2012, I wrote a series of articles on Puritan preaching along with a brief sketch of some of the Puritan preachers. Those men were Jeremiah Burroughs , Thomas Brooks , Thomas Shepherd , and Thomas Watson . During the last five years, I have continually drawn from the writings of these men and their works have often been as refreshing to me as an artesian well that watered my soul. Their commitment to personal holiness, private prayer, and passionate but deep preaching has certainly been a motivation for me. With that in mind, I have determined to spend another month with the Puritans in hopes that those who read this will make a decision to explore some of the lives and works of these men.