A Conversation with UPCI Assistant General Superintendent (Eastern Zone) Paul Mooney

Yesterday, I shared with you the conversation that I enjoyed with the UPCI General Superintendent, David Bernard. This blog is going to cover the gist of several conversations that I had with UPCI Assistant General Superintendent (Eastern Zone) Paul Mooney. I have known Brother Mooney for quite a number of years. I suppose the first time I officially met him was around 2004 or so at an Alabama District Men’s Conference. Since that time he has preached at several camp meetings in Alabama in addition to a district conference. He is one of the most uniquely brilliant men I have ever met! He has a very gifted mind and you find that to be very obvious when you begin to interact with him because all of the times you spend with him there isn’t an ounce of wasted energy or time. He also serves dual role as the pastor at the historic CalvaryTabernacle in Indianapolis and as the president of Indiana Bible College . If ever there was an ardent su...