Welcome to 2009

Welcome to 2009 here at the Barnabas Blog. We have a new look and some new additions to the blog roll over at the side. Looking back at 2008, I am discovering that there were some highs and lows that were experienced and it is apparent that the routine of life is not all bad. The routines of life, even though sometimes castigated as ruts and mightily criticized by a few, can actually be looked upon as a blessing from the Lord. It is through our patience that our soul will be possessed and preserved. We experienced “high” church and “low” church as they say in 2008. There were some good outings and there were some bad outings. There were some times with preaching/teaching that it all seemed to flow and there were other times it seemed like that the faucet was closed up. There were some great victories and a few minor defeats although the enemy would love to focus on the defeats and cause us to forget the victories along the path. I enjoyed some great times of prayer and also so...