Planned Preaching????!!!!! -- Part 3

I continue this series of blog articles on expository preaching. In Part 1 , I explained some of my earlier interests in expository preaching and some antics in the topical sermon routes that I took. In Part 2 , I explained the importance and necessity of verse-by-verse exposition and the needed commitment to preach through lengthy passages of Scripture. In this third part, I want to give you some thoughts and ideas on beginning your own series of expository messages. 1. Begin with your interests. The first thing about beginning in the verse-by-verse exposition, you should work with a passage that you are keenly interested in. In fact, if you have a “candy-stick” this might be a very good place to start. If you have certain interests in biblical characters, you might work through a passage in the Gospels that lists the disciples. While this would be a series that is more biographical in nature, you are still grasping the concept that discipline is required to work on to the nex...