Book Recommendation -- Intoxicated With Babylon

If you are waiting on a book that will smack you around a little bit, then I have a recommendation for you. This book is not one that is going to increase your self-esteem nor will it bless your lukewarm spiritual relationship. In fact, if you don’t like books that raise the alarm about the condition of the modern-day American church, save your money and your time. But if you really want a book that gives a stirring call toward a revival of prayer, holiness, and Biblical discernment, you probably ought to read this book. In the opening sentence, you find an immediate jolt: “Maintaining a ‘love affair with the world’ is akin to having a mistress.” The next paragraph begins like this: “The modern-day Church, especially in the West, has its own mistress, having fallen head-over-heels in love with the world. The average believer can talk for hours about ‘the things of this world’ but then try asking about their relationship with the Lord and they quickly ...