Tour de SFC
Every year about this time, the boys and I ride a 100K (62.5 miles) for Sheaves for Christ. This is a program that helps assist missionaries with vehicles. It also provides the opportunity for college-aged young men and women to gain scholarships to Bible colleges and the Urshan Graduate School of Theology. It also helps with a diversity of other youth programs that not only affect the nation but the world at large. In addition to this, it also provides the ability to start new churches in target areas within the US . We are on a countdown because we will be riding on September 9, 2006. We have been riding quite a bit this year already but we have stepped up our “training” in the last few weeks. Yesterday, we round 15 miles in 94 degree weather. It was a few hours after a major thunderstorm and so the humidity was at 74%. Needless to say, it was quite hot and humid! Justin, Nathan, and I need all the help that we can get ...